Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Serving God

This week I am thinking about service. Wallace Waddles said: "The only service that we can render to God is to give expression to what he is trying to give the world through you."
God has given us each our own special way to view the world. We need to learn to accept our own unique view point and realize that God sees the world through our unique perspective. That is why we were created in the first place.

It becomes our service to God to take care of our minds and bodies so that we can experience as much life as possible in our service to God. Just imagine for a moment how much more service you can give when you feel healthy and energized.

Here is a great reference that Mike Adams has shared with the world. His service to God seems to be sharing food an health information. http://www.healingfoodreference.com/

Take a moment this week to think about how you are serving God through your service to others. Think about God being with you in all that you do and how you can rely on his strength and knowledge to help you advance toward your goals.


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